Raise an Ethernet Fault


Check the number or text again
Try using alternate reference number

Order number example: OR324052835003
Fault number example: FT324052835003
Product reference example: IHETW323




Step : Help us understand the problem

You will be asked some questions about the service.

When you lose service, how much do you lose as a percentage?

Upload data files to help us diagnose your fault better e.g perform logs


Step : Tell us where the problem is occurring.

Where are you experiencing the problem?

Where do you think the fault is occurring? If you’re not sure, please select both ends.

Step : Carry out checks on your equipment

Logical configuration check:

Please perform these checks at the site where you arre experiencing the problem. This is how your Etherflow is configured on our systems.

Find out how to check customer's equipment


Logical Checks

Alarm details

See our FAQ's

Play video

Physical connection: Checking your equipment

Please perform these checks at the site where you are experiencing the problem

Find out how to check customer's equipment


Physical Checks

Alarm details

See our FAQ's

Play video

Step : Tell us where the problem is occurring

Checks on your service

(Optional) Please tell us more about how you have your own service set up physically:

Warning: Failure to carry out these checks may delay fault progressions and the customer may incur charges if the fault is proved to the customer's equipment or power.

Step : Provide intrusive testing consent

Intrusive Testing Consent

We'll need to perform intrusive tests to further diagnose the fault. Please confirm when we can run intrusive tests on your service whenever needed.

Run intrusive testing at when anytime on this service

I'd like to specify when you can run intrusive tests on this service

I don't want any intrusive testing on this service

Intrusive Testing Consent

Please tell us the name of the person who has authorised intrusive testing.

First name:

Second name:

Contact number:

When can we perform intruisive testing?

For this service we need 'X' hours to run intruisive testing


Step : Provide site contact and access details

Site Contacts

If necessary, please tell us who we need to contact to gain access to the customer's site.

Warning: If site contact and access details are incorrect, this may delay the repair of your fault and you may incur aborted visit charges.

Site contacts

Edit contact details

Contact Details

Please enter a valid name

Please enter a valid name

Please enter a valid company Name

Please enter a valid preferred number

Please enter a valid contact number

Please fill in all required fields.

*Required fields

A-End access details


B-End access details


Step : Please provide any hazard or access notes that may relate to each end

Do you have any important notes to add?


Please add notes to inform us of any hazards at the site that we should be aware of, any important information relating to site access availability, or any necessary special arrangements.


Note Type Description Date & time User Edit Remove

Add Note

You can add notes relating to any hazards at the site that we should be aware of, any important information relating to site access availability, or any necessary special arrangements.

Tell us details on how the engineer can gain access to the site.

Tell us details of any hazard at the site e.g. asbestos

Add Note

You can add notes relating to any hazards at the site that we should be aware of, any important information relating to site access availability, or any necessary special arrangements.

Tell us details on how the engineer can gain access to the site.

Tell us details of any hazard at the site e.g. asbestos

Add Note

You can add notes relating to any hazards at the site that we should be aware of, any important information relating to site access availability, or any necessary special arrangements.

Tell us details on how the engineer can gain access to the site.

Tell us details of any hazard at the site e.g. asbestos


Note Type Description Date & time User Edit Remove

Add Note

You can add notes relating to any hazards at the site that we should be aware of, any important information relating to site access availability, or any necessary special arrangements.

Tell us details on how the engineer can gain access to the site.

Tell us details of any hazard at the site e.g. asbestos

Add Note

You can add notes relating to any hazards at the site that we should be aware of, any important information relating to site access availability, or any necessary special arrangements.

Tell us details on how the engineer can gain access to the site.

Tell us details of any hazard at the site e.g. asbestos

Add Note

You can add notes relating to any hazards at the site that we should be aware of, any important information relating to site access availability, or any necessary special arrangements.

Tell us details on how the engineer can gain access to the site.

Tell us details of any hazard at the site e.g. asbestos

Step : Please provide details on who we should keep updated on your fault

Keeping me informed

Contact details

Please tell us who we need to keep informed on any updates related to your fault.

Contact First name Last name Email address Preferred contact number Other contact number Edit Remove

Contact details

You'll be able to track the progess of your fault using Business Zone. However, if you would like us to keep you informed in other ways, such as via email please tell us.

KCI contacts

Create new contact

Note:If your contact is already in the database, click 'Add existing contact' and add them from there.

Please enter a valid name

Please enter a valid last name

Please enter a valid email address

Please enter a valid contact number

Please enter a valid contact number

Please fill in all required fields.

*Required Fields

KCI contacts

Edit contact

Please enter a valid name

Please enter a valid last name

Please enter a valid email address

Please enter a valid contact number

Please enter a valid contact number

Please fill in all required fields.

*Required Fields

(Optional) Give your fault a reference so you can easily identify it

Warning: Failure to carry out these checks may delay fault progressions and the customer may incur charges if the fault is proved to be the customer's setup or power.


Please wait: it will take around 30 seconds to share the fault reference ID

BT Wholesale

Thanks, your fault has been submitted.

Thank you for raising your fault. Here�s the fault reference:

We aim to resolve your fault within the next 24 hours, 5 days of the week.

See our to help you track your fault.

For more information, visit our ethernet Fault FAQs

BT Wholesale

BT Wholesale

Sorry, we can't submit your fault at this time.

We are facing some issues in fault submission. For now, please go to the repairs and faults page and retry after 3 to 5 minutes

Alternativley you can try and call us on 1800 number if you still find issues with it.

For more information, visit our Ethernet Fault FAQs